Sunday, February 9, 2014


I know this isn't for everyone and that's great! The world would be a pretty boring place if everyone were the same.

I know the Bible says it's wrong. And if that is your belief, great! You are entitled to your beliefs and opinions. However, it also says to love one another and to treat others how you want to be treated. How would you like it if they treated you the way you treat them? Something to think about, right?

If you live in America, we are a country with freedom of religion. That means we can practice what we believe to be the religion for us. It also means that we can choose to not practice if that is our belief. If you don't want someone trying to force their beliefs on you, don't try to force it on them. Love them for who they are.

One of my favorite quotes about homosexuality comes from a book. This I think I have learned: where there is love, the form does not matter, and the gods are pleased. This I have observed: what occurs in nature, comes by the hand of nature, and if the gods did not approve, it would not be there.

~ Moondance k'Treva (Magic's Pawn, by Mercedes Lackey)” I love this quote. Where there is love, the form does not matter. Why would you try to separate those who love each other? Just because your idea of love is not the same as yours shouldn't matter. They love each other. Let them be.

Something to think about: “Research indicates that various forms of (homosexuality) are found throughout the animal kingdom.” - Wikipedia

Life is hard enough without having to worry about whether your sexual preference will be used against you. Show some compassion.

A few passages from the Bible:

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. - 1 Corinthians 13:13

When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." - John 8:7

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. - Matthew 7:1

These were all found here.  You are also free to look them up in your own Bible.

So think about these for a moment. Do you love your family and friends? Do you love the stranger walking down the street? Are you without sin?

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